英語 | 【公式】さくらホテル尾道駅前|尾道観光のご宿泊に最適なホテル









Ⓐ尾道駅前港湾駐車場     Ⓑ尾道ベルポール駐車場


*駐車場の予約確保 及び 提携外駐車場の割引のサービスは行っておりません。


さくらホテル尾道駅前  支配人 三好

8階 バーラウンジ『ひととき』の重要なお知らせ

拝啓 時下ますますご清栄のこととお慶び申し上げます。

誠に勝手ながら、ホテル8階『スカイラウンジ ひととき』を当分の間、休業させていただきます。
実施期間  2024年 1月~



“About Sakura Hotel Onomichi Ekimae Grand Opening”

70 seconds walk from Onomichi Station, the best location in front of Onomichi Channel “Sakura Hotel Onomichi Ekimae” Grand opening on Thursday, April 1, 2021.

● A “new spot” called Sakura Hotel was born. An ideal location to fully enjoy Onomichi-ideal for walking, cycling, and business scenes-A city certified as a Japanese Heritage site as a “box garden by Onomichi Channel”, Onomichi. Located in the center of the city, it is very convenient for cycling and eating while visiting sightseeing spots where you can experience history and culture. Also, as a hotel-specific activity that is scheduled to start shortly, we will propose a Shimanami Kaido tour course by luxury foreign car Rolls Royce and cruiser. When it comes to meals, you can enjoy his “work”, which is the chief chef who carefully finishes local ingredients with all his heart. Also, at lunchtime, the collaboration between Onomichi’s first flowers and sweets by an active florist will make everyone smile. Please take a commemorative photo by all means.